2024-07-26 20:28
Peter Liebel

Great to see some young flyers in the gallery!

2024-07-26 11:40
Richard Vienneau

Thank you Rob, the club appreciates your commitment to help members and the sport! :)

2024-07-26 11:02
Darryl Hll

HEY ROB THATS GREAT to be able to provide EKRC FLYERS with a fire extinguisher.
ALL MEMBERS ARE REMINDED that it is a requirement to have a fire extinguisher available when flying so here is your opportunity. DARRYL

2024-07-25 15:44
Rob Davidson

Hey gang…I’m not able to fly this weekend for work related reasons…but if you’re going out to either of the fields - please be super careful in a ‘fire smart’ kinda way. I’ve got a few time expired C/D type and K type extinguishers at work that are still good to go - but they don’t meet Transport Canada regulations around aircraft anymore…I’m willing to provide an extinguisher to anyone that needs it. Something is better than nothing! Lipo’s are more volatile than the gassers when it comes to ignition…
Reach out to me and I’ll set you up.

2024-07-25 15:44
Rob Davidson

Hey gang…I’m not able to fly this weekend for work related reasons…but if you’re going out to either of the fields - please be super careful in a ‘fire smart’ kinda way. I’ve got a few time expired C/D type and K type extinguishers at work that are still good to go - but they don’t meet Transport Canada regulations around aircraft anymore…I’m willing to provide an extinguisher to anyone that needs it. Something is better than nothing! Lipo’s are more volatile than the gassers when it comes to ignition…
Reach out to me and I’ll set you up.

2024-07-24 20:59
Darryl Hll


2024-07-24 18:34
Jason Burke

Sorry double click I guess.

2024-07-24 18:34
Jason Burke

Oscar and I will be going out to OKA at 08:00h. Anyone interested in joining?

2024-07-20 19:32
Jason Burke

Going to OKA to get the Raven in the air. 0800h. Hope to see a few of you there!

2024-07-17 13:11
Darryl Hll

Hey. Jason Burnham. On July5 at 19.11 you mention Dennis and you were going to hit rampart sunday am. Who is Dennis?.
i cant locate any application or reference to membership.
Perhaps im loosing it. LOL

2024-07-13 16:47
Jason Burke

Where’s the like button?!

Collaborate effort is an important part of this hobby! Great to see it happening here!

Same goes for me. I’m always willing to help someone with a project.

2024-07-13 14:21
Rob Davidson

Hi guys…glad I got to at least pop out to OKA for a bit this morning😉
I just want to put it out there that if you’re looking for aircraft parts - whether it be servo extensions, wheels, props, spinners ESC’s, BEC’s and the lot - reach out to me before you place an order. There’s a decent chance I’ve got something on hand. I can do up custom servo harnesses, swap out plug ends etc (except for Dean’s…I’ll cut them off and install a good connector instead).
I will set up a ‘loan cupboard’ for any tools you need as well…I’ve got a covering iron, trim iron, vacuum bagging setup -Breather cloth, peel ply and some different weights of Bi directional FG cloth., a vacuum forming setup and anything else you might need likely as well. My focus is on Scale modelling - and I’m a MAAC Scale Committee member - but in a lot of cases there are alternatives to buying an over priced OEM part. Feel free to reach out to me via the shoutbox or at my work email - robert@southernaero.ca

2024-07-13 07:04
Rob Davidson

Bad news boys…I got called in to work this morning at 04:30….I won’t be there unfortunately

2024-07-12 12:57
Dom Volard

Hey so cool to have joined the official club after flying at Rampart and the old Kimberley airport over the last 35 years off and on. I often flew with Al Ritchie in those good old times.
My recent heart bypass surgery has given me some light projects to work on as I've pulled off all my planes from the shop ceiling and refurbished many of them. Flying has been fun as well. Looking forward to meeting more of you soon. Cheers

Darryl let me know when i can try my flight test with you 🤗

2024-07-12 12:57
Dom Volard

Hey so cool to have joined the official club after flying at Rampart and the old Kimberley airport over the last 35 years off and on. I often flew with Al Ritchie in those good old times.
My recent heart bypass surgery has given me some light projects to work on as I've pulled off all my planes from the shop ceiling and refurbished many of them. Flying has been fun as well. Looking forward to meeting more of you soon. Cheers

Darryl let me know when i can try my flight test with you 🤗

2024-07-12 09:07
Darryl Hll

Welcome Dom Volard as new member number17. Don has been flying off and on at oka since 1985 but like all new members will be taking a check flight, completing his MAAC membership and dues and getting his RPAS license before he can legally fly as a member and be covered by MAAC liability insurance.
Just in case you weren't aware there will be activity at OKA from 8.00 am Saturday July 13 . Go out and give it a try.

2024-07-10 12:50
Jason Burke

Sounds like a plan!

Wayne, the Apprentice is good to go! You might be wanting it back. 😉

2024-07-10 12:45
Richard Vienneau

Hi all, Rob and I will be flying at the OKA field this Saturday July 13. It is supposed to be a hot day so we will start early at 8 AM to beat the heat. Join us if you can!

2024-07-07 08:23
Jason Burke

Are we still on for 9am?

2024-07-06 13:04
Darryl Hll

Just to let all club members know we now have 16 paid up members but 3/4 need to join and or pay there MAAC membership for 2024. Thanks

2024-07-06 12:57
Darryl Hll

Welcome Jeff Muench as the latest paid up club member.
Hope to see you out at the field as you recover from your recent illness. Darryl

2024-07-06 09:35
Darryl Hll

Great to see the use of shoutbox and the use of both field rampart and oka. I'm going to have to study for and get my RPAS license and start flying, If I can remember how!!!LOL

2024-07-05 20:56
Rob Davidson

Sounds good….I’ll likely pop out Sunday am as well. I’m gonna hit Rampart with Jason Burke tomorrow as well

2024-07-05 19:11
Jason Burnham

Dennis and I are going to hit Rampart on Sunday. I have to work tomorrow. Gunna aim for 9am

2024-07-05 14:58
Rob Davidson

As a post script to the previous note…I’m absolutely able to swap out locations if somebody wants to fly OKA tomorrow and Rampart Sunday😉

2024-07-05 14:26
Rob Davidson

Anybody up for some flying this weekend? Early starts will be the order of the day I think…I’m down for Rampart on Saturday morning - 09:00ish and OKA on Sunday about the same time if anyone is game? Put up a yea or nea 😉

2024-06-29 17:32
Rob Davidson

Great day out at OKA today gang! It was like the old days😉
We’ll do the next one out at Rampart!

2024-06-28 19:35
Rob Davidson

@Kent…no worries - we’ll get you up
Flying at some point.
@JB…I’ve got lunch for everybody with me…I fired up the old laptop bbq and she’s good to go😉

2024-06-28 19:32
Kent Macdonald

Hi folks. Thanks for the warm welcome and to the volunteers who offered to teach me! Unfortunately I can’t make it this weekend. Have fun, and enjoy the long weekend. Happy Canada Day!

2024-06-28 19:29
Jason Burnham

Ill join everyone tomorrow. Oscar ill have your field panel. Kent Ill have plane and buddy box.
Looking forward to seeing everyone

2024-06-27 19:02
Darryl Hll

Hey Rob. Let me know if you have the may june model aviation MAGAZINE FROM MAAC . there IS AN EXCELLENT ARTICLE ON PAGE 51 ABOUT BUDDY BOX SYSTEM . if YOU DONT I WILL SCAN IT And send it to you. Darryl

2024-06-27 13:06
Rob Davidson

@Darryl...I'm willing to help him out. I've got a DX8 - but have never used it with a buddy box. I usually just put them up 3 mistakes high and let them at it. The apprentice is a great machine for that. I can read up on buddy boxing my DX8 - but either way we can get him in the air.

2024-06-27 12:09
Darryl Hll

Hey Rob. We have a new member ,Kent Macdonald, who might be available for some training at oka on the fun fly day. Are you comfortable with providing a little training if Jason Burnham isn't there?. I could bring up my apprentice if you know how to buddy box. I have it on a dx6!. Please let me know Darryl

2024-06-27 11:52
Darryl Hll

Hi. Jason Burnham. Any chance you are going to be at Rampart this weekend for training of Kent Macdonald new member. If so can you bring your apprentice's and buddy box system and what day might you be there ? Thanks DArryl

2024-06-26 14:37
Rob Davidson

Good Afternoon All.
A few years ago I used to host a Fathers Day Fun Fly out at the Old Kimberley Airport (OKA)
The weather this year was sub par - so I’d like to extend an offer to head out to OKA this Saturday for a Canada Day Weekend Fun Fly instead😉
I’ll bring out the little BBQ and do up some hotdogs etc for lunch. I’m thinking I’ll aim for an 09:30 start time. Shoot me a message if you need directions to the field. RSVP would be appreciated if you think of it so I can get a rough number for food.
The field is in great shape this year…extended the runway to 30’x300’ and expanded the parking and pit area as well.
Hope to see you there!

2024-06-23 17:25
Jason Burnham

So after I missed everyone. I plan to go out and do some grass cutting. Ill leave town at 7pm. When I am done grass cutting and if the wind it mellow'er, Ill fly as well. If anyone is bored and wants to hang out come on out.

2024-06-23 09:44
Rob Davidson

I’ll swing out after my morning rush hour and hang out with you for a bit JB…

2024-06-23 09:16
Jason Burnham

My wife has reminded me of some prior engagement. I hope to leave town around 1130. Ill bring the apprentice, so if anyone wants some buddy box time we can do that! Oscar if you're still there Ill have that power panel.

2024-06-23 09:00
Oscar Bolomey

Jason, I'll be there around 9:30. I'll still trying to get and least one plane ready to fly.

2024-06-23 06:56
Jason Burke

I was thinking somewhere around 09:30 or 10:00h.

2024-06-23 04:52
Rob Davidson

@the 2 J.B's flying at Rampart this morning....
Shoot me a text if you're still there by 11:45ish - I may pop out for a BS (barring any flight delays)

2024-06-22 21:04
Jason Burnham

Oscar I have a power panel for you!
Jason what time Sunday? I would love to get out!

2024-06-22 19:19
Kent Macdonald

Thank you! Looking forward to learning to fly with the club!

2024-06-22 18:13
Jason Burke

Anyone want to get some flights in at Rampart tomorrow (Sunday)?

2024-06-22 13:42
Richard Vienneau

Welcome to the club Kent! I look forward to meeting you.

2024-06-22 13:29
Darryl Hll


2024-06-21 20:36
Jason Burke

See you tomorrow morning, Rob! Danger Ranger is in the truck!

2024-06-21 15:22
Richard Vienneau

I wish that I was available to finally see the Citabria up close, but unfortunately I am not. Take some pictures Rob. Happy flying (or taxiing)! :)

2024-06-21 15:17
Rob Davidson

Good Day All….
I’m gonna hit OKA tomorrow am (Saturday) at 08:30 for a few hours. The 1/4 Citabria is getting close, so will likely be taxiing it around for a bit and setting her up😉

2024-06-21 06:48
Jason Burke

Anyone want to go flying at Rampart or OKA today? 09:30 or 10:00?

2024-06-17 10:44
Jason Burke

Thank you, Richard. Much easier!

2024-06-17 09:11
Richard Vienneau

Jason Burke, I have removed the session timeout so that we can all stay logged in forever, or until you select Logout.

I have also added the member name to shoutbox emails so that we know who posted the message.

2024-06-17 08:44
Richard Vienneau

Hi Oscar, I don't have a spare power panel, hopefully someone in the club does. I searched online for you but cannot find them anymore.

I bought my Hangar 9 HAN106 power panel only 2 years ago from Hobby Wholesale, but they are not listed anymore and Horizon shows them as discontinued.


2024-06-15 23:24
Oscar Bolomey

I'm looking for a Power Panel for my field box. If anyone has one they don't use anyone and want to sell, please let me know.

2024-06-09 09:02
Richard Vienneau

A couple of us will out flying at the unsanctioned Old Kimberley Airport (OKA) field this morning at 10:00 AM. Join us if you can!

Have a great day!


2024-06-02 08:36
Richard Vienneau

Hi Oscar, Daniel was able to sell absolutely everything. I was fortunate enough to get a Monocote sealing iron from him. You cannot get them anymore.

If you are looking for some specific items feel free to mention it here in case someone else can help you.

Have a great day!

2024-06-01 23:22
Oscar Bolomey

Hi Richard, do you know if Daniel still has any of his planes, tools and anything else left that he wanted to get rid off from the hobby?

2024-05-24 12:14
Jason Burnham

Sorry for the lateness on this. I have been slacking...
For those who knew Bowmar there is a "Bowmar Day" scheduled for May 25th from 2pm until 4pm. Its super informal, no speaches no, formality. Just a bunch of his friends and family getting together to remember him. It will be at his house 312 12th Ave S. No need to RSVP, or anything like that. Beth just wanted something "casual and chill", just like he was.

2024-05-16 19:09
Darryl Hll

We had 9 vehicles at Rampart field last Sunday Mothers day.
About 4/5 were members and 4/5 were previous flyers who 5/10 years ago participated in the informal club..
About 5 pilots flew planes and drones and enjoyed themselves.
Two of those present who were not members are now going to join and participate in our new club.

Don't forget to use your club and let others know you will be going out!!!

2024-05-11 19:23
Rob Davidson

Hi Gang....I'm aiming for Rampart in the am...totally gapped that it was Mother's Day, but will be there for a couple of hours. shooting for 09:30. Richard if you're first in, can you just 'dummy lock' the gate for me?

2024-05-08 13:56
Richard Vienneau

Hi all, a few of us will be out flying at the MAAC field on Sunday morning, weather permitting. We will target a 9:00 AM start time.

If you are available then hopefully you can join us!

2024-05-08 12:09
Darryl Hll

Hey everyone the Rampart field is open for the use of paid up members.
The combination is still the same. Some members may be there this Saturday or Sunday. .
The combination is still the same .
If you don't know it get in touch with me . DArryl.
Suggestion , When you are going out to fly,
WHY NOT POST a notice on shout box so others are aware and may join you!!!

2024-05-07 09:57
Richard Vienneau

Good morning everyone,

I have added email notification when a Shoutbox message is posted. Please ensure that you add admin@ekrcflyers.ca to your address book so that messages don't get sent to spam.

For anyone that missed the news update, Daniel in Cranbrook is moving and selling various items including kits, engines, radios, starters and tools. There are images in the gallery section of our website. The F4U Corsair is well on its way to completion. Contact details for Daniel are in the news section.

The weather for this coming weekend looks great. Hopefully some good flying time!

Have a great day.


2024-05-05 16:45
Darryl Hll

Welcome Darren Robillard a recent member. While Darren is catching up on chores and mending from a few broken ribs he is looking forward to meeting other members soon.

2024-05-03 15:28
Rob Davidson

Hey Gang…
Thinking of hitting Rampart tomorrow about noon…I’ve gotta work the morning flights at the airport but will be done by 11:30. Anybody game?

2024-04-14 20:31
Darryl Hll

I was just out at Rampart field tonight and its in good condition. A few cow oatties around but not many. THe field could stand to be cut in the next little while but can get used as is. . Members are encouraged to get out and use it and paid up members can contact me for the combination at my known email . Thanks DArryl
ps I will be using to fly my DJI drone and smaller under 250 gram foamies until I write and obtain my rpas license.
Remember that our field has received sanction by maac subject to our rules and rpas procedure!!!

2024-04-14 17:16
Darryl Hll

There are a number of previous members who have not yet paid their 2024 dues and are now invited to do so by remitting the funds by interact as advised previously. thanks

2024-04-14 17:14
Darryl Hll

HI. Everyone those new members who wish to pass their initiation flight should indicate on this site if they wish to do so and also those new members who wish to obtain training should also indicate so on this site THanks

2024-04-14 10:37
Richard Vienneau

I got my first flights in for the season at the OKA field. The road is in better condition than usual as they did logging and graded it. The runway survived the Winter and is in great condition. Thank you to Rob who does a great job maintaining it.

How is our MAAC sanctioned field? Has anyone been out flying there yet? We should try to coordinate an informal day of flying soon!

2024-03-14 13:30
Darryl Hll


2024-02-20 10:47
Jason Burke

G’day, eh! Thank you for the add!


2024-01-25 12:19
Richard Vienneau

I enhanced the portal to show "All Messages" below "My Messages" to make it easier to reference something in another persons Shoutbox message.

2024-01-25 11:53
Richard Vienneau

Hi Rob,

You can email Darryl with any updates for your profile. At some point I will enhance the portal to manage them yourself.

I have not done any flying yet this year, so not sure how OKA is. I am sure that it will get muddy soon with this weather!

2024-01-24 18:31
Rob Davidson

Thanks Richard for the reminder!
Dues have been sent.
How do I update my info such as phone #, MAAC number etc?
We’ve got a good window of w/x the next 10 days or so, but might not be great for Lizzie Lake….any other locations? Richard, how’s OKA?

2024-01-16 11:09
Darryl Hll

Hi. Everyone
Thanks' to those members who remitted their 2024 club dues and a subtle reminder to others to remit their 2024 club dues as requested in our recent email. Thanks DArryl

2024-01-16 11:08
Darryl Hll

Hi. Everyone
Thanks' to those members who remitted their 2024 club dues and a subtle reminder to others to remit their 2024 club dues as requested in our recent email. Thanks DArryl

2023-11-07 17:11
Richard Vienneau

Hello from the new Shoutbox! Member access to the portal will be sent out soon!